val color : t -> char * char * char
-(* TODO: infinite board *)
-type 't board = 't * 't array array
+module Coord = struct
+ type t = int * int
-let initial (type t) (m : (module Automaton with type t = t)) =
- let module M = (val m) in
- (M.default, Array.make_matrix 64 64 M.default)
+ let compare = compare
+module CoordMap = Map.Make (Coord)
+(* TODO: absurdly-sized neighbourhoods *)
+let chunk_size = 64
-let get x y (d, board) = if x < 0 || 63 < x || y < 0 || 63 < y then d else board.(x).(y)
+let euclid_div n d =
+ let q = n / d
+ and r = n mod d in
+ if r < 0 then (q - 1, r + d) else (q, r)
-let set x y c ((d, cells) as board) =
- if x < 0 || 63 < x || y < 0 || 63 < y
- then board
- else
- let res = Array.init 64 (fun x -> Array.init 64 (fun y -> cells.(x).(y))) in
- res.(x).(y) <- c;
- (d, res)
+type 't board = 't * 't array array CoordMap.t
+let initial (type t) (m : (module Automaton with type t = t)) =
+ let module M = (val m) in
+ (M.default, CoordMap.empty)
+let get x y (d, board) =
+ let cx, ix = euclid_div x chunk_size
+ and cy, iy = euclid_div y chunk_size in
+ match CoordMap.find_opt (cx, cy) board with
+ | Some cs -> cs.(ix).(iy)
+ | None -> d
+let set x y c (d, cells) =
+ let cx, ix = euclid_div x chunk_size
+ and cy, iy = euclid_div y chunk_size in
+ ( d,
+ CoordMap.update (cx, cy)
+ (function
+ | Some cs ->
+ let cs = Array.copy cs in
+ cs.(ix).(iy) <- c;
+ Some cs
+ | None ->
+ Some
+ (Array.init chunk_size (fun x ->
+ Array.init chunk_size (fun y -> if x = ix && y = iy then c else d))))
+ cells )
+let neighbour_chunks (x, y) =
+ [
+ (x - 1, y - 1);
+ (x - 1, y + 0);
+ (x - 1, y + 1);
+ (x + 0, y - 1);
+ (x + 0, y + 0);
+ (x + 0, y + 1);
+ (x + 1, y - 1);
+ (x + 1, y + 0);
+ (x + 1, y + 1);
+ ]
-let update (type t) (m : (module Automaton with type t = t)) board =
+let update (type t) (m : (module Automaton with type t = t)) (d, board) =
+ let ccoords =
+ board
+ |> CoordMap.bindings
+ |> fst
+ |> neighbour_chunks
+ |> List.concat
+ |> List.sort_uniq compare
+ in
let module M = (val m) in
- ( M.transition ( (Fun.const (fst board)) M.neighbours),
- Array.init 64 (fun x ->
- Array.init 64 (fun y -> M.transition ( (fun (dx, dy) -> get (x + dx) (y + dy) board) M.neighbours)))
- )
+ ( M.transition ( (Fun.const d) M.neighbours),
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun b (cx, cy) ->
+ CoordMap.add (cx, cy)
+ (Array.init chunk_size (fun x ->
+ Array.init chunk_size (fun y ->
+ M.transition
+ (
+ (fun (dx, dy) -> get ((cx * chunk_size) + x + dx) ((cy * chunk_size) + y + dy) (d, board))
+ M.neighbours))))
+ b)
+ CoordMap.empty ccoords
+ |> CoordMap.filter (fun _ -> Array.exists (Array.exists (fun c -> c <> d))) )
let automata =