module rec ModeAux : sig
+ type mode_and_state = ModeAndState : 'a * (module ModeAux.S with type state = 'a) -> mode_and_state
module type S = sig
type state
- val initial : state
+ type initer
+ val initial : initer -> state
val render : state -> unit
- val update : state -> char -> (state, (module ModeAux.S)) Either.t
+ val update : state -> char -> (state, mode_and_state) Either.t
end =
module type Mode = ModeAux.S
+module Command = struct
+ type state = { cmd: string; old: ModeAux.mode_and_state }
+ type initer = ModeAux.mode_and_state
+ let initial old = { cmd = ""; old }
+ let render { cmd; _ } =
+ Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
+ Graphics.fill_rect 0 0 (Graphics.size_x ()) 25;
+ Graphics.set_color Graphics.black;
+ Graphics.moveto 10 8;
+ Graphics.draw_string (":" ^ cmd)
+ let run_cmd { cmd; old } =
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Cmd: `%s'\n%!" cmd;
+ Either.right old
+ let update ({ cmd; old } as st) = function
+ | '\b' -> Either.left { st with cmd = String.sub cmd 0 (max (String.length cmd - 1) 0) }
+ | '\e' -> Either.right old
+ | '\r' -> run_cmd st
+ | c -> Either.left { st with cmd = cmd ^ String.make 1 c }
module Normal (M : Automata.Automaton) = struct
- type state = { board: M.t Automata.board; n: int option; pos: int * int; current: M.t }
- let initial = { board = Automata.initial (module M); n = None; pos = (0, 0); current = M.default }
- let render { board; current; pos = px, py; _ } =
- for x = 0 to (Graphics.size_x () / 16) + 1 do
- for y = 0 to (Graphics.size_y () / 16) + 1 do
- let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
- let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
- Graphics.fill_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16;
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
- Graphics.draw_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16
- done
- done;
- let r, g, b = M.color current in
- let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
- Graphics.fill_rect ((px * 16) + 5) ((py * 16) + 5) 6 6;
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
- Graphics.draw_rect ((px * 16) + 5) ((py * 16) + 5) 6 6
- let update st =
- let set_current ({ board; pos = x, y; current; _ } as st) =
- { st with board = Automata.set x y current board }
- in
- let chpos dx dy ({ pos = x, y; _ } as st) = { st with pos = (x + dx, y + dy) } in
- let chcur f st = { st with current = f st.current } in
- let chnum d st = { st with n = Some ((Option.value st.n ~default:0 * 10) + d) } in
- let rec ntimes f st =
- match Option.value st.n ~default:1 with
- | 0 -> { st with n = None }
- | n -> f (ntimes f { st with n = Some (n - 1) })
- in
- function
- | c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' -> Either.left (chnum (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0') st)
- | 's' -> Either.left (set_current st)
- | 'q' -> Either.left (ntimes (chcur M.prev) st)
- | 'd' -> Either.left (ntimes (chcur M.next) st)
- | 'f' -> Either.left (ntimes (fun st -> { st with board = Automata.update (module M) st.board }) st)
- | 'k' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 0 1) st)
- | 'h' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos (-1) 0) st)
- | 'j' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 0 (-1)) st)
- | 'l' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 1 0) st)
- | _ -> Either.left st
+ module rec Impl : (Mode with type initer = unit) = struct
+ type state = { board: M.t Automata.board; n: int option; pos: int * int; current: M.t }
+ type initer = unit
+ let initial () = { board = Automata.initial (module M); n = None; pos = (0, 0); current = M.default }
+ let render { board; current; pos = px, py; _ } =
+ for x = 0 to (Graphics.size_x () / 16) + 1 do
+ for y = 0 to (Graphics.size_y () / 16) + 1 do
+ let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
+ let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
+ Graphics.fill_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16;
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
+ Graphics.draw_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16
+ done
+ done;
+ let r, g, b = M.color current in
+ let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
+ Graphics.fill_rect ((px * 16) + 5) ((py * 16) + 5) 6 6;
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
+ Graphics.draw_rect ((px * 16) + 5) ((py * 16) + 5) 6 6
+ let update st =
+ let set_current ({ board; pos = x, y; current; _ } as st) =
+ { st with board = Automata.set x y current board }
+ in
+ let chpos dx dy ({ pos = x, y; _ } as st) = { st with pos = (x + dx, y + dy) } in
+ let chcur f st = { st with current = f st.current } in
+ let chnum d st = { st with n = Some ((Option.value st.n ~default:0 * 10) + d) } in
+ let rec ntimes f st =
+ match Option.value st.n ~default:1 with
+ | 0 -> { st with n = None }
+ | n -> f (ntimes f { st with n = Some (n - 1) })
+ in
+ function
+ | ':' ->
+ Either.right
+ (ModeAux.ModeAndState
+ (Command.initial (ModeAux.ModeAndState (st, (module Impl))), (module Command)))
+ | c when '0' <= c && c <= '9' -> Either.left (chnum (int_of_char c - int_of_char '0') st)
+ | 's' -> Either.left (set_current st)
+ | 'q' -> Either.left (ntimes (chcur M.prev) st)
+ | 'd' -> Either.left (ntimes (chcur M.next) st)
+ | 'f' -> Either.left (ntimes (fun st -> { st with board = Automata.update (module M) st.board }) st)
+ | 'k' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 0 1) st)
+ | 'h' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos (-1) 0) st)
+ | 'j' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 0 (-1)) st)
+ | 'l' -> Either.left (ntimes (chpos 1 0) st)
+ | _ -> Either.left st
+ end
+ include Impl
module AutoSelector = struct
type state = (module Automata.Automaton) list * (module Automata.Automaton) * (module Automata.Automaton) list
- let initial =
+ type initer = unit
+ let initial () =
match Automata.automata with
| au :: aus -> ([], au, aus)
| [] -> assert false
| c :: cs -> Either.left (curr :: above, c, cs))
| 's' ->
let module M = (val curr : Automata.Automaton) in
- Either.right (module Normal (M) : Mode)
+ let module NormalM = Normal (M) in
+ Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState (NormalM.initial (), (module NormalM)))
+ | 'q' ->
+ Graphics.close_graph ();
+ Either.left (above, curr, below)
| _ -> Either.left (above, curr, below)