Array.init chunk_size (fun y -> if x = ix && y = iy then c else d))))
cells )
+let iter_range minx maxx miny maxy f (d, board) =
+ let mincx, minix = euclid_div minx chunk_size
+ and mincy, miniy = euclid_div miny chunk_size in
+ let maxcx, maxix = euclid_div maxx chunk_size
+ and maxcy, maxiy = euclid_div maxy chunk_size in
+ for cx = mincx to maxcx do
+ for cy = mincy to maxcy do
+ let get =
+ match CoordMap.find_opt (cx, cy) board with
+ | Some chunk -> fun x y -> chunk.(x).(y)
+ | None -> fun _ _ -> d
+ in
+ for x = if cx = mincx then minix else 0 to if cx = maxcx then maxix else chunk_size - 1 do
+ for y = if cy = mincy then miniy else 0 to if cy = maxcy then maxiy else chunk_size - 1 do
+ f ((cx * chunk_size) + x) ((cy * chunk_size) + y) (get x y)
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ done
let neighbour_chunks (x, y) =
(x - 1, y - 1);
val set : int -> int -> 't -> 't board -> 't board
+val iter_range : int -> int -> int -> int -> (int -> int -> 't -> unit) -> 't board -> unit
val update : (module Automaton with type t = 't) -> 't board -> 't board
val automata : (module Automaton) list
and h = (sy / size) + 1 in
let wx = px - (w / 2)
and wy = py - (h / 2) in
- for x = wx to wx + w do
- for y = wy to wy + h do
- let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
+ Automata.iter_range wx (wx + w) wy (wy + h)
+ (fun x y c ->
+ let r, g, b = M.color c in
let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
- Graphics.fill_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size
- done
- done;
+ Graphics.fill_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size)
+ board;
Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
for x = 0 to w do
Graphics.moveto (x * size) 0;