aux (Automata.initial m) { x = 0; y = 0; current = M.default }
+let pick f cs =
+ let rec aux above curr below =
+ Graphics.clear_graph ();
+ let x = 25
+ and y = (Graphics.size_y () / 2) - 10 in
+ let draw_text i s =
+ Graphics.moveto x (y + (i * 25));
+ Graphics.draw_string s
+ in
+ List.iteri (fun i -> draw_text (i + 1)) ( f above);
+ draw_text 0 (f curr);
+ Graphics.draw_rect (x - 5) (y - 5) 200 20;
+ List.iteri (fun i -> draw_text (-i - 1)) ( f below);
+ Graphics.synchronize ();
+ match Graphics.read_key () with
+ | 'z' -> (
+ match above with
+ | [] -> aux [] curr below
+ | c :: cs -> aux cs c (curr :: below))
+ | 's' -> (
+ match below with
+ | [] -> aux above curr []
+ | c :: cs -> aux (curr :: above) c cs)
+ | ' ' -> curr
+ | _ -> aux above curr below
+ in
+ match cs with
+ | c :: cs -> aux [] c cs
+ | [] -> assert false (* cs should be non-empty *)
let () =
Graphics.open_graph "";
Graphics.set_window_title "Automaton";
Graphics.auto_synchronize false;
- let m = List.nth Automata.automata 0 in
+ let m =
+ pick
+ (fun m ->
+ let module M = (val m : Automata.Automaton) in
+ Automata.automata
+ in
let module M = (val m) in
run (module M)