module type Mode = ModeAux.S
+let get_name (m : (module Automata.Automaton)) =
+ let module M = (val m) in
module rec Command : (Mode with type initer = string) = struct
type state = string
Graphics.moveto 10 8;
Graphics.draw_string (":" ^ cmd)
+ let rec last = function
+ | [s] -> s
+ | _ :: t -> last t
+ | [] -> assert false
+ let rec ch_last v = function
+ | [_] -> [v]
+ | x :: t -> x :: ch_last v t
+ | [] -> assert false
+ let real_complete cmd completions =
+ let last = last cmd in
+ match List.filter (String.starts_with ~prefix:last) completions with
+ | [] ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "No completions !\n%!";
+ String.concat " " ( Parse.shquote cmd)
+ | [possibility] -> String.concat " " ( Parse.shquote (ch_last possibility cmd)) ^ " "
+ | possibilities ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Completions:\n%!";
+ List.iter (Printf.fprintf stderr "\t%s\n%!") possibilities;
+ String.concat " " ( Parse.shquote cmd)
+ let autocomplete cmd =
+ match try Parse.shlex cmd with Parse.NonTerminatedString -> Parse.shlex (cmd ^ "'") with
+ | ["quit"] -> "quit"
+ | ["select"] -> real_complete ["select"; ""] ( get_name Automata.automata)
+ | ["select"; n] -> real_complete ["select"; n] ( get_name Automata.automata)
+ | ["write"] -> "write "
+ | ["read"] -> "read "
+ | [] -> real_complete [""] ["quit"; "select"; "write"; "read"]
+ | [cmd] -> real_complete [cmd] ["quit"; "select"; "write"; "read"]
+ | parsed -> String.concat " " ( Parse.shquote parsed)
let run_cmd (EditorState (m, st) as estate) cmd =
let module M = (val m) in
- match cmd with
- | "quit" ->
- Graphics.close_graph ();
- (estate, Either.left "")
- | "select" -> (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module AutoSelector), AutoSelector.initial ())))
- | cmd when String.starts_with ~prefix:"write " cmd ->
- Out_channel.with_open_text
- (String.sub cmd 6 (String.length cmd - 6))
- (Automata.serialise (module M) st.board);
- (EditorState (m, st), Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
- | cmd when String.starts_with ~prefix:"read " cmd ->
- ( EditorState
- ( m,
- {
- st with
- board =
- In_channel.with_open_text
- (String.sub cmd 5 (String.length cmd - 5))
- (Automata.deserialise (module M));
- } ),
- Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())) )
- | _ ->
- Printf.fprintf stderr "Unknown cmd: `%s'\n%!" cmd;
- (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
+ try
+ match Parse.shlex cmd with
+ | ["quit"] ->
+ Graphics.close_graph ();
+ (estate, Either.left "")
+ | ["select"; auto] -> (
+ match List.find_opt (fun m -> get_name m = auto) Automata.automata with
+ | Some auto ->
+ let module M = (val auto) in
+ ( EditorState
+ ( (module M),
+ { board = Automata.initial (module M); pos = (0, 0); current = M.default; size = 16 }
+ ),
+ Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())) )
+ | None ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Automate inconnu: `%s' !\n%!" auto;
+ (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ()))))
+ | ["write"; f] ->
+ (try Out_channel.with_open_text f (Automata.serialise (module M) st.board)
+ with Sys_error _ -> Printf.fprintf stderr "Failed to write file `%s' !\n%!" f);
+ (EditorState (m, st), Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
+ | ["read"; f] -> (
+ try
+ ( EditorState
+ (m, { st with board = In_channel.with_open_text f (Automata.deserialise (module M)) }),
+ Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())) )
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Failed to write file `%s' !\n%!" f;
+ (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ()))))
+ | _ ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Unknown cmd: `%s' !\n%!" cmd;
+ (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
+ with Parse.NonTerminatedString ->
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Unterminated string !\n%!";
+ (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
let update estate cmd = function
| '\b' -> (estate, Either.left (String.sub cmd 0 (max (String.length cmd - 1) 0)))
| '\e' -> (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
| '\r' -> run_cmd estate cmd
+ | '\t' -> (estate, Either.left (autocomplete cmd))
| c -> (estate, Either.left (cmd ^ String.make 1 c))
include Impl
-and AutoSelector : (Mode with type initer = unit) = struct
- type state = (module Automata.Automaton) list * (module Automata.Automaton) * (module Automata.Automaton) list
- type initer = unit
- let initial () =
- match Automata.automata with
- | au :: aus -> ([], au, aus)
- | [] -> assert false
- let render _ (above, curr, below) =
- let auto_name (m : (module Automata.Automaton)) =
- let module M = (val m) in
- in
- Graphics.clear_graph ();
- let x = 25
- and y = (Graphics.size_y () / 2) - 10 in
- let draw_text i s =
- Graphics.moveto x (y + (i * 25));
- Graphics.draw_string s
- in
- List.iteri (fun i -> draw_text (i + 1)) ( auto_name above);
- draw_text 0 (auto_name curr);
- Graphics.draw_rect (x - 5) (y - 5) 200 20;
- List.iteri (fun i -> draw_text (-i - 1)) ( auto_name below)
- let update estate (above, curr, below) = function
- | 'k' -> (
- match above with
- | [] -> (estate, Either.left ([], curr, below))
- | c :: cs -> (estate, Either.left (cs, c, curr :: below)))
- | 'j' -> (
- match below with
- | [] -> (estate, Either.left (above, curr, []))
- | c :: cs -> (estate, Either.left (curr :: above, c, cs)))
- | 's' ->
- let module M = (val curr : Automata.Automaton) in
- ( EditorState
- ((module M), { board = Automata.initial (module M); pos = (0, 0); current = M.default; size = 16 }),
- Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())) )
- | 'q' ->
- Graphics.close_graph ();
- (estate, Either.left (above, curr, below))
- | _ -> (estate, Either.left (above, curr, below))
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright 2024 Amélia COUTARD-SANDER <>.
+ *
+ * This file from the cli-utils toolchain is free software: you can redistribute
+ * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This toolchain is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this toolchain. If not, see <>.
+ *)
+let is_whitespace c = c = ' ' || c = '\t' || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\012'
+exception NonTerminatedString
+let shlex s =
+ let rec skip_spaces i =
+ if String.length s = i then [] else if is_whitespace s.[i] then skip_spaces (i + 1) else read_words i
+ and read_words i =
+ let w, i = read_word i in
+ w :: skip_spaces i
+ and read_word i =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
+ let rec aux i quot =
+ if String.length s = i
+ then if quot then raise NonTerminatedString else i
+ else
+ match s.[i] with
+ | c when is_whitespace c && not quot -> i
+ | '\'' when quot && String.length s > i + 1 && s.[i + 1] = '\'' ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf '\'';
+ aux (i + 2) quot
+ | '\'' -> aux (i + 1) (not quot)
+ | c ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf c;
+ aux (i + 1) quot
+ in
+ let i = aux i false in
+ (Buffer.contents buf, i)
+ in
+ skip_spaces 0
+let string_bind f s =
+ let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
+ String.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_string buf (f c)) s;
+ Buffer.contents buf
+let shquote s =
+ if s = "" || String.exists (fun c -> is_whitespace c || c = '\'') s
+ then
+ "'"
+ ^ string_bind
+ (function
+ | '\'' -> "''"
+ | c -> String.make 1 c)
+ s
+ ^ "'"
+ else s