* with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+let render (type t) (m : (module Automata.Automaton with type t = t)) (board : t Automata.board) =
+ let module M = (val m) in
+ for x = 0 to 63 do
+ for y = 0 to 63 do
+ Graphics.set_color
+ (let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
+ Graphics.rgb (int_of_char r) (int_of_char g) (int_of_char b));
+ Graphics.fill_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16;
+ Graphics.set_color Graphics.black;
+ Graphics.draw_rect (x * 16) (y * 16) 16 16
+ done
+ done
+let inputs (type t) (m : (module Automata.Automaton with type t = t)) (board : t Automata.board) =
+ let module M = (val m) in
+ if Graphics.button_down ()
+ then (
+ let mx, my = Graphics.mouse_pos () in
+ let x = mx / 16
+ and y = my / 16 in
+ while Graphics.button_down () do
+ ()
+ done;
+ Automata.set x y (M.next (Automata.get x y board)) board)
+let run (type t) (m : (module Automata.Automaton with type t = t)) =
+ let rec aux board =
+ render m board;
+ Graphics.synchronize ();
+ inputs m board;
+ aux (if Graphics.key_pressed () && Graphics.read_key () = '\t' then Automata.update m board else board)
+ in
+ aux (Automata.initial m)
let () =
- List.iter
- (fun m ->
- let module Automaton = (val m : Automata.Automaton) in
- Printf.printf "%s\n" Automaton.name)
- Automata.automata
+ Graphics.open_graph "";
+ Graphics.set_window_title "Automaton";
+ Graphics.auto_synchronize false;
+ let m = List.nth Automata.automata 0 in
+ let module M = (val m) in
+ run (module M)