let module M = (val m) in
+let render_world (EditorState (m, { board; current; pos = px, py; size })) =
+ let module M = (val m) in
+ let w = (Graphics.size_x () / size) + 1
+ and h = (Graphics.size_y () / size) + 1 in
+ let wx = px - (w / 2)
+ and wy = py - (h / 2) in
+ for x = wx to wx + w do
+ for y = wy to wy + h do
+ let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
+ let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
+ Graphics.fill_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size;
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
+ Graphics.draw_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size
+ done
+ done;
+ let r, g, b = M.color current in
+ let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
+ Graphics.fill_rect (((px - wx) * size) + 5) (((py - wy) * size) + 5) (max (size - 10) 1) (max (size - 10) 1);
+ Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
+ Graphics.draw_rect (((px - wx) * size) + 5) (((py - wy) * size) + 5) (max (size - 10) 1) (max (size - 10) 1)
module rec Command : (Mode with type initer = string) = struct
- type state = string
+ type state = string * string list
type initer = string
- let initial s = s
+ let initial s = (s, [])
- let render _ cmd =
+ let render st (cmd, sug) =
+ render_world st;
Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
Graphics.fill_rect 0 0 (Graphics.size_x ()) 25;
Graphics.set_color Graphics.black;
Graphics.moveto 10 8;
- Graphics.draw_string (":" ^ cmd)
+ Graphics.draw_string (":" ^ cmd);
+ List.iteri
+ (fun i s ->
+ Graphics.set_color Graphics.white;
+ Graphics.fill_rect 50 ((25 * i) + 25) (Graphics.size_x ()) 25;
+ Graphics.set_color Graphics.black;
+ Graphics.moveto 60 ((25 * i) + 25 + 8);
+ Graphics.draw_string s)
+ sug
let rec last = function
| [s] -> s
let real_complete cmd completions =
let last = last cmd in
match List.filter (String.starts_with ~prefix:last) completions with
- | [] ->
- Printf.fprintf stderr "No completions !\n%!";
- String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote cmd)
- | [possibility] -> String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote (ch_last possibility cmd)) ^ " "
+ | [] -> (String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote cmd), [])
+ | [possibility] -> (String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote (ch_last possibility cmd)) ^ " ", [])
| p :: ps ->
- Printf.fprintf stderr "Completions:\n%!";
- List.iter (Printf.fprintf stderr "\t%s\n%!") (p :: ps);
- String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote (ch_last (List.fold_left common_prefix p ps) cmd))
+ (String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote (ch_last (List.fold_left common_prefix p ps) cmd)), p :: ps)
let complete_file cmd f =
let autocomplete cmd =
match try Parse.shlex cmd with Parse.NonTerminatedString -> Parse.shlex (cmd ^ "'") with
- | ["quit"] -> "quit"
+ | ["quit"] -> ("quit", [])
| ["select"] -> real_complete ["select"; ""] (List.map get_name Automata.automata)
| ["select"; n] -> real_complete ["select"; n] (List.map get_name Automata.automata)
| ["write"] -> complete_file ["write"; ""] ""
| ["read"; n] -> complete_file ["read"; n] n
| [] -> real_complete [""] ["quit"; "select"; "write"; "read"]
| [cmd] -> real_complete [cmd] ["quit"; "select"; "write"; "read"]
- | parsed -> String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote parsed)
+ | parsed -> (String.concat " " (List.map Parse.shquote parsed), [])
let run_cmd (EditorState (m, st) as estate) cmd =
let module M = (val m) in
match Parse.shlex cmd with
| ["quit"] ->
Graphics.close_graph ();
- (estate, Either.left "")
+ (estate, Either.left ("", []))
| ["select"; auto] -> (
match List.find_opt (fun m -> get_name m = auto) Automata.automata with
| Some auto ->
Printf.fprintf stderr "Unterminated string !\n%!";
(estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
- let update estate cmd = function
- | '\b' -> (estate, Either.left (String.sub cmd 0 (max (String.length cmd - 1) 0)))
+ let update estate (cmd, _) = function
+ | '\b' -> (estate, Either.left (String.sub cmd 0 (max (String.length cmd - 1) 0), []))
| '\e' -> (estate, Either.right (ModeAux.ModeAndState ((module Normal), Normal.initial ())))
| '\r' -> run_cmd estate cmd
| '\t' -> (estate, Either.left (autocomplete cmd))
- | c -> (estate, Either.left (cmd ^ String.make 1 c))
+ | c -> (estate, Either.left (cmd ^ String.make 1 c, []))
and Normal : (Mode with type initer = unit) = struct
let initial () = { n = None }
- let render (EditorState (m, { board; current; pos = px, py; size })) _ =
- let module M = (val m) in
- let w = (Graphics.size_x () / size) + 1
- and h = (Graphics.size_y () / size) + 1 in
- let wx = px - (w / 2)
- and wy = py - (h / 2) in
- for x = wx to wx + w do
- for y = wy to wy + h do
- let r, g, b = M.color (Automata.get x y board) in
- let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
- Graphics.fill_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size;
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
- Graphics.draw_rect ((x - wx) * size) ((y - wy) * size) size size
- done
- done;
- let r, g, b = M.color current in
- let r, g, b = (int_of_char r, int_of_char g, int_of_char b) in
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb r g b);
- Graphics.fill_rect (((px - wx) * size) + 5) (((py - wy) * size) + 5) (max (size - 10) 1) (max (size - 10) 1);
- Graphics.set_color (Graphics.rgb 127 127 127);
- Graphics.draw_rect (((px - wx) * size) + 5) (((py - wy) * size) + 5) (max (size - 10) 1) (max (size - 10) 1)
+ let render st _ = render_world st
let update (EditorState (m, st)) n =
let module M = (val m) in